Thursday, November 21, 2019

Products, Brands & Their Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Products, Brands & Their Distribution - Essay Example E-Bay has proved the point that consumers have relationship with their brand. E-Bay is an online market place built to enable local, national and international customers to buy jewelry online. The convenience provided by E-Bay to its customers has helped in building a strong brand image. Customer can shop for the jewelry online and receive the jewelry conveniently through courier. E-Bay has provided a convenient shopping technique for its customers and hence maintains a close relationship with its customers and communicates with them on a personal level. On the other hand customers of auto repair centre do not have a relationship with the branded auto repair centre. Example: a Ford repair centre does not maintain a close relationship with the customers. People prefer to repair their cars within a short period of time so they do not stick to a branded auto repair centre, rather they go to local auto centre where they can get their vehicles repaired within a short period of time. According to Susan Fournier consumers have a relationship with their brands but this does not hold true in case of all products. In case of tinned tomatoes and auto repair, the customers do not have a relationship with its brand. When a customer brings his car for repair, he will prefer an auto centre where his car can be repaired within a short period of time. He is more inclined towards the time duration of the repair so he would prefer any auto repair centre. While the consumer of tinned tomato will prefer that brand that is easily available in the market. He will not develop a relationship with a particular brand. The distribution strategy for Hunts is to provide their product through many distributors and to as many grocery shops as possible. This strategy is appropriate because Hunts deals with perishable goods which need to be delivered within a short period of time. The distribution strategy of E-Bay is to provide an online market place where a variety of products of various

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